Sunday, 3 January 2010

Thuribles and Thurifers


A thurible is a metal censer suspended from chains, in which incense is burned during worship services. The bearer of the Thurible is called the Thurifer.


  1. Huh! And all this time I just called him "Incense Boy".

  2. Who knew? Okay, probably many people, but not me. :) Thanks!

  3. I certainly didn't know until I came across it a few weeks ago and looked it up for this post, Shabby Girl. Then, having posted this a few days ago in my pre-scheduling I have since come across Thuribles in two separate historical novels - how is that for coincidence!

  4. How absolutely weird. It must be all the RC friends I have and my times spent in RC churches. I have just come to this posting (not looked for a while) and I actually had heard of the Thurifer.
