"That's a great deal to make one word mean," Alice said in a thoughtful tone. "When I make a word do a lot of work like that," said Humpty Dumpty, "I always pay it extra."

Saturday 28 August 2010


Muggy means hot or warm and humid. It strikes me that 'muggy weather' might be a particularly British expression. Is 'muggy weather' something that is ever said in US English?

Answers on a postcard, please....


  1. Most of the people I communicate in English with are from the UK, and of course to them, "muggy weather" is very familiar an expression (as it is to me). But now that you mention it, I don't think I have ever heard anyone from across the pond using it.
    (This, by the way, is a postcard. I hope you appreciate the extra-nice stamp I have chosen, and the picturebook motive of my hometown's beautiful castle: http://www.ludwigsburg.de/servlet/PB/menu/1237538_l1/index.html

  2. I've been hearing and using the phrase "muggy weather" my whole life, growing up with parents and family who have been here in the U.S. for several generations. I'm sure my friends have used it, too, and none of them is British.
